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welcome to my website.


Hey there!

I'm Stefan–father of a small, brand-new human; pretty alright software engineer; barely-functional caffiene addict; overly-enthusiastic tech nerd; midnight gourmand; armchair film critic and much more.

This is a little website built using the Astro framework as a public home for my thoughts and projects.

What you'll find here

This site is still a work in progress as I learn to work with Astro.

You can expect to find a mix of blog posts, project write-ups, and other random musings. If you're looking to hire a software engineer, you can check out the work page for more information about me, and to see if I might be a good fit for your team. For now, you can read all my rambling over on the posts page, or see some of my recent posts below.

Recent posts

Lessons from Flask in production

Thoughts from working on a monolithic Flask webapp for about five years.

photo by Sean Sinclair on Unsplash